Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Girl and Her Doll

One of the neat things about having Lia Kate in our lives is seeing her come to life before our eyes, experiencing new things and growing into her little self after living in an orphanage for so long. One of those new experiences for her has been playing with toys. In the orphanage, the only toys they had were balls, so all toys have been a learning experience for her. Since we've been home, she's been given several baby dolls. At first she had no clue what to do with them. So, at first, she rejected the dolls, then she became indifferent, and now, all of the sudden, she loves them. Here are some pics of her carrying around one of her little dolls. It is a sweet thing to see our little girl loving on her little doll...

1 comment:

Kelley Brown said...

Awe!!!!! These pictures made me so happy! I am thrilled she loves her doll!!! :)